Tuesday 21 July 2009

better... worse

Got my iPod fixed!



And I lost about $50 worth of malaria medication...



That happened a while ago already. Just turned into powder. No idea why. But I'm okay with it. It was making me bald.

If you're curious, yes, my hair HAS been growing back. *thumbs up*
If you're even MORE curious... 44 hours, 10 minutes left. *thumbs WAY up*

Things are going well. Been busy at work and been busy preparing for Julia's visit. yay!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Trev,
    I hope things are going SUPER out there.

    Julia's there now and I confess I'm a little jealous. I keep lying awake at night worrying about when she'll get home, but then I remember that she's in Africa and not out for the night...And then I go to sleep.
    I hope you guys have a splendid time together way out there. :]
    Also, I look forward to seeing you in December!

    I confess that I often forget to pray for you. I am going to change that.

    From Nadine
