Marital status: Changed! I left Nigeria 'single', got engaged then married! I plan on having a post about the proposal later.
Job: I'm working at a trenching company. A few weeks ago I also became a part-time photography assistant, which has been awesome. (More on this in later posts).
Education: I took a intro to photography course at Mohawk and will be taking an architectural photography course in a couple weeks. I'll post some photos from both classes later.
Travel: Julia and I went to St Louis for Urbana in December 2009, Montreal, Quebec City and Mt Tremblant for our Honeymoon in June 2010, Alberta last Winter and California this past June. I'll have a whole post about California sometime, it deserves it's own.
The view of Yosemite Valley in California. Go here. |
Camera: Apart from the night courses and being an occasional assistant, I got a new camera this year. My first digital SLR! It's a Canon T3i and bought a 28-55 and a 55-250 lens to go with it. It's awesome.
Hamilton love: I spent my youth in Burlington looking down my nose at Hamilton (especially down the 'mountain'). But fell in love with the area around Locke St and the love has been spreading block by block.
Digital foolishness: I kept all my photos on a single hard drive. No other backup. I'm sure you can see where this is going. It knocked over and I lost every single photo I'd ever taken since I owned a digital camera with no hope in recovering them. Don't do what I did, keep more than one copy! That and print more often. Now there are thousands of photos I will never see again, including most from my first trip to Nigeria and my time in Europe. Fortunately, the photos from our Honeymoon were transferred onto Julia's laptop, so those were saved, hooray!