Wednesday 3 September 2008


I went to a mission conference in Ancaster tonight. I plan on going all day Wednesday and Thursday as well. Should be pretty sweet. Tonight, the speaker (Rev. Victor Atalla) mentioned something that I thought was neat. Something that Donald Miller kinda refers to in Blue Like Jazz and I think I've kinda mentioned in a blog or two.

He was speaking about bringing Christ to Muslims, and he specified, not to bring someone to Christianity, but to bring them to Christ. I think that's such a good way to look at it. If you're trying to bring someone to Christianity, you're trying to bring them to YOUR definition of Christianity. And the chances are pretty good that they don't share the same definition. They may have been hurt by Christians or not view them very well, so why would they WANT to become one? Even still, your Christianity may not 'work' for them. Even MORE still, Christians have messed up a lot in the past. We don't have a good reputation to everyone. Christ, however, is perfect. That's who WE should try to be like and who we should show/tell others how to be like.

Instead of bringing them to become a Christian, bring them to Christ.

Don't try to get people to be like you, get them to try be like Christ.

It's who you're trying to be like anyway. Skip the middleman!

PS, if you want to read a really good book about how Christians are seen to the average Joe, read the book unChristian. It's pretty interesting. The title refers to how we call ourselves Christians, yet often act unChristian, and how the world notices our unChristian behaviour.

Anywho, I posted some pictures of Irish-land. Stopped off there on my way home from Nigeria. Find them here, here, here and here!

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