Tuesday 24 March 2009

Another quote from our devotional...

"The mind of Jesus led Him not to glory first, but to death."

Every time I strive to obtain recognition as a good Christ-follower through my works or deeds on Earth, I essentially think I can achieve more than Christ did in His life.

This is laughable.

I catch myself doing this a lot; trying to impress people with all my 'accomplishments'. What accomplishments? What have I done to deserve any glory?


I must strive to become obedient to God. To struggle against my own desires of Earthly recognition and become a humble servant - not caring who on Earth knows about anything I've done. To paraphrase what an awesome girl just told me about this: "Don't strive for recognition. Strive to be a Christ-follower and recognition will follow." Earthly recognition may never happen and doesn't even matter. I've got to get over that. I must strive to devote my entire life to become my Father's good and faithful servant. This can't even be gained by my own doing, but through the Spirit's work in me. Through the Spirit I hope to gain the Father's recognition as one of His children. A recognition worth living and dying for.

This is going to be hard.


  1. Dear Trevor:

    What are you up to these days? Do you think you could post another update? I would enjoy that ever so much. I hope you are doing well.

