Sunday 15 March 2009

What you've been waiting for...

Zebra pictures!!

Check out the album on Facebook here!

Not a whole lot else to say. Today marks my 2 weeks from home, yet it seems both like I've been here longer and that I left a quite a while longer ago...

Should be starting to take over the duties from Alice this week. Looking forward to it!


  1. Dag yo.

    That is probably the one thing that I dislike about not having Facebook...

    I'm sure they're phenomenal though.

  2. I feel the same as Nadine. Maybe I'll use someone else's account...

  3. You're both in luck!!

    You don't need a Facebook account to look at my pictures! You've never needed a Facebook account to ever look at ANY of my pictures, actually. The links work for non-Facebook users!

    How handy is that?!

    You just can't make comments on the pictures, unfortunately.

    Then after you look at the pictures, you can just fall to the peer pressure and get Facebook anyay. Succumb!!

  4. Hoorah!
    I can view zebras!
    As well as demonstrate to Trevor my extreme self-control when it comes to FAvebook!

  5. P.S. That was supposed to be Facebook. But then I pushed the button just before I noticed and it was too late to take it back.

  6. Horray!!!

    ...I will not give in to peer pressure...

  7. You saw giraffes too? I've always wanted to see one.
