Saturday 31 October 2009

Back from Lagos!

Well, after waiting at Lagos airport for more than 6 hours (ugh) I made my way back safe and sound 'home' to Jos. I was in a part of Lagos called Agege. It's in Northern Lagos (aka, nowhere near the cool skyscrapers and sweet beaches on the coast) and it more resembled Jos, albeit a MUCH busier and MUCH more heavily populated. And much more expensive. I'd tell you how much I had to spend on a pack of cookies, but I'd be telling you in Naira and a lot of you wouldn't understand. But for the few of you... 600 Naira for a regular pack of Hob Nobs. Crazy!

Lagos was okay otherwise. I did some training with some of our partners there, teaching them how to properly implement and complete the surveys, as well as how to enter the data once the surveys are complete. For the rest of the time... I read.

and read...

Which is never a bad thing. I finished two books! The Three Musketeers (first novel I've read in... I can't remember how long) and The Art of Prayer. Both were good, in their respective categories. The Three Musketeers reminded me how much I love reading novels, while The Art of Prayer reminded me of how little I know of prayer, use prayer, make prayers or even believe in prayers. Not coincidentally (I've given up believing in coincidences) in Lagos was the first time (from what I can recall) that I've instantly been given what I've prayed for. During some of my ample time to kill, I had been mulling over what's too come in my life. Leaving Africa. Going home. No job. And the many other life-altering happenings that are due to occur in the near future. After thinking about this stuff for a while, I had become overwhelmed with an overbearing sense of panic. I'll have no job! That means no money! That means no future! That means... and on and on in my silly human logic. But then I prayed. I lifted all these fears to God... and He took them from me! I was left with such a calm and peace that I unashamedly say I almost cried. God's got all my future in His hands. And I wouldn't want them anywhere else!

At the airport, during my super long wait, I started reading a book I borrowed from Dustin called The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. This is a type of book that when I read it, it severely shrinks my hope of ever writing a book (a secret fantasy of mine). In this case because someone smarter, funnier and with a lot more knowledge of the Body of Christ under his belt has already written something smarter, funnier and to do a lot more with the Body of Christ than I ever could. The book is brilliant. I've been meaning to read it for a while now, as several other people I know have read it and recommended it. I'm three chapter to the end right now (I'll be sure to let you know if I have a change of opinion after reading the rest) and read everything but those three chapters that day. Couldn't put it down! He speaks so clearly of how we as Christians are to live as the Body of Christ. I couldn't find ANY Biblical argument myself for anything he was saying. Money, materialism, war, death penalty, violence... I did nothing but laugh at his jokes and agree with him. It makes me all the more wanting to go to Urbana this year, since he's one of the speakers. Another fantasy, just not so secret...

I'm excited to finish the book but I'm more excited to be following in the path God's set for me, a path that I know won't be easy, but it's the path He's laid out, He's guiding me on, He's lighting up, He's giving me the strength for... what in the world do I have to worry about anyway?


Now here's a couple photos for your viewing pleasure!

An pleasant breakfast accident.

I took very few photos in Lagos but here's a (blurry) one that gives you a feel for how packed it is there.

On the airplane safety card. Apparently in the event of a crash, they recommend a wing dance party...


  1. 1. SO glad you're reading the IR! Love it! :) Another one you need to add to your list is Andy Crouch: Culture Making. You can borrow my copy once you're back--it took me a while (July-October) and I took it with me everywhere I went so it's pretty beat up (eg. rainy camping trips...), but it's suuuuuper good. super good. And I get to meet him tomorrow!!

    2. Urbana. I forgot that Shane'll be there. It would be pretty sweet if you could come.

    3. Dancing on a plane wing is the perfect response to a plane crash...
