Friday 9 October 2009

Kano trip

Didn't know if I'd have time to post something later today or Sunday morning, as I'll be spending my Thanksgiving in Kano. Kano is a city farther North and will take several hours to get there. I'll be attending a workshop there for Beacon of Hope. I'm leaving Sunday at noon, so I get to spend a good chunk of my birthday in a car. hmm...

Apart from that, there's not a whole lot new. I do have a new roomie. Ben. He's been here for a few months but he's been staying somewhere else. I mentioned that I have a whole house to myself and he moved in. Pretty fun. He's teaching at Hillcrest.

Nepa (electricity for you non-Nigerian lingo folk) has been great lately! It's normally on for a few random hours each day, but it's backwards now! I'll stay on for more than 6 hours at a time! It's pretty exciting to be able to constantly have my laptop fully charged. hmm, I think Nepa heard me, because now it's gone off. It just can't take a compliment! You never know when it's going to be off or on, which is a pain, because if I knew WHEN it would be on, it would be very easy to schedule around that. But, that doesn't happen, so I can't.

I have been told that we have it lucky in Jos though. Some people in more remote locations and villages are still without power. I suppose no matter how bad any of us thinks we have it... someone's always worse. Very humbling and a good eye-opener. Makes for a whole lot less complaining and a lot more appreciation!

well, I should be off to pack. I leave you with a recent photo of a Nigerian landscape. Hope all you Canucks have a great Thanksgiving weekend and all you non-Canucks... enjoy your normal weekend!

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